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Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Marketing Environment: Cultural Factors

This consists of institutions and basic values and beliefs of a group of people. The values can also be further categorized into core beliefs, which passed on from generation to generation and very difficult to change, and secondary beliefs, which tend to be easier to influence. As a marketer, it is important to know the difference between the two and to focus your marketing campaign to reflect the values of a target audience.The task of the marketer is to find the similarities and differences in culture and account for these in designing and developing marketing plans.
Culture is the most basic cause of a person’s wants and behavior. Growing up, children learn basic values, perception and wants from the family and other important groups. Marketers are always trying to spot “cultural shifts” which might point to new products that might be wanted by customers or to increased demand.

Example is the video by Air Deccan, it was the airline which made low cost air travel possible in India and it was in reach of Middle class people also.In the video , the marketer has banked upon our cultural values ,the family system  in which parents do everything for their wards , right from their education to marriage and children want to do something better for their parents when they are earning. They want to give them some facilities which they could not afford in their times.

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